Classes started in DU after 3 and a half months

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After 3 and a half months (112 days), Dhaka University classes are starting today (September 22). In the meantime instructions have been given in each section along with the class routine.

As per the decision of the Syndicate meeting of the University, the classes of all years except 2023-24 are starting today. The classes for that academic year will start from September 30.

Dhaka University classes were closed from June 2 to 30 due to Eid-ul-Azha and summer vacation. However, at this time, examinations were held in various departments.

Although the classes were supposed to resume from July 1, the University Teachers’ Association announced an indefinite strike demanding the cancellation of the certification scheme. The university was paralyzed. In all, the university was closed for three and a half months (112 days).

Meanwhile, students boycotted classes and exams from July 7 demanding quota reform. The quota movement spread across the country and Dhaka University became the focal point of the movement. Under the circumstances, the university was declared closed indefinitely on July 17.

On August 5, the Awami government collapsed in a student uprising. Sheikh Hasina resigned as Prime Minister and fled to India. Professor Dr. became the new vice-chancellor on August 27. Niaz Ahmed Khan. The final decision regarding the commencement of classes was taken in an emergency syndicate meeting on September 13.


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