Erdogan at UN with ‘call for justice’ for Palestine

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has left for New York to attend the 79th General Session of the United Nations. Where he will call for justice for the Palestinians, especially Gaza. 

This information was given in a report by the country’s media Daily Sabah on Friday.

According to the report, Erdoğan’s speech repeatedly featured his harsh criticism of Israel and his opposition to Israel’s war on Gaza and its expansionist policies.

Erdogan will attend the meeting of world heads of state for the 14th time and on the first day he will highlight the need for full membership of Palestine and the recognition of more countries. 

He will call on the international community to increase pressure on Israel, especially since almost a year has passed since the Israeli invasion of Gaza.

Erdogan will also highlight the importance of establishing an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. Türkiye has already signaled its tough stance on Israel, and Erdogan has compared Israel’s leadership to Hitler.

Türkiye has already joined South Africa’s efforts to file a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, and President Erdogan will call on other countries to join the effort.

Erdogan, in 2019, presented a similar map of Palestine to the UN General Assembly, saying Israel was seeking to occupy the rest of the Palestinian territories. 

He strongly criticized the ineffectiveness of the world body at the time and asked, ‘If we cannot bring justice under the United Nations, where will justice be established?’

Erdogan will also call for international recognition of the independence of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Türkiye and the TRNC have long favored a two-state solution to the division of the island.

Besides the UN session, Erdogan will also discuss the latest situation in Gaza and the Middle East with other leaders. Source: Daily Sabah


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