The camp condemned the massacre in the university

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The Islami Chhatra Shibir condemned and protested the killing of a suspected thief in Dhaka University and the killing of a Chhatra League leader in Jahangirnagar University. 

The organization’s president Manjurul Islam and secretary general Zahidul Islam said in a statement on Thursday that the spirit of revenge and revenge can dim the coup achieved at the cost of the lives of thousands of students. No matter how big a crime someone has committed, he must be tried under the law. Murders like mob killings in Dhaka and Jahangirnagar University are a clear reflection of the extreme weakness and failure of law and order situation in the country. 

A mentally unstable person was beaten up on suspicion of being a thief in Dhaka University’s Fazlul Haque Muslim Hall last Wednesday. He later died at Dhaka Medical College (DMC) Hospital. In Jahangirnagar University on the night of July 16, 39th batch student and former Chhatra League leader Shamim Ahmed was handed over by the students to the university’s proctoral body. Later he also died while undergoing treatment. Allegations of drug dealing, extortion, oppression of ordinary students were thrashed against this former leader of Chhatra League. 

Expressing deep condolences to the families of the victims, the camp’s statement called upon the students to stop all forms of mob justice, mob killing. Apart from this, the law enforcement forces have been called upon to be active, and we all have to be vocal against political violence, killings and terrorism to establish a healthy society. The rule of law must be established. 


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