For the liberation of the hereafter, the example of the Prophet must be followed: Dr. Rezaul Karim

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Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami central working council member and secretary of Dhaka Metropolitan North. Muhammad Rezaul Karim said, Prophet SAW was sent to the world as a messenger of salvation for humanity. Allah has declared in the Holy Word, ‘I have sent you as a mercy to the whole world.’ Therefore, for peace in this world and liberation in the hereafter, only the servitude of Allah and the ideal shown by the Prophet (PBUH) must be accepted wholeheartedly. He urged everyone to play an uncompromising role in changing the society by following the ideals of the Holy Prophet.

He said these things while addressing the chief guest at a discussion meeting organized by Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Dhaka Metropolis North Sherbangla Nagar Police Station in an auditorium of the capital on Monday morning.

In the Dhaka Metropolitan North Majlis, under the chairmanship of Shura member and Thana Amir Abdul Awal Azam and moderated by Secretary Advocate Abdul Halim, the discussion meeting was presented by the main discussant, Maulana Fakhruddin Ahmed, a famous Qur’anic commentator, and special guests, Shura member and Mohammadpur Zone Director and Mohammad Ziaul Hasan, spoke as special guests. .

Police Station Naib Amir Shah Azizur Rahman Tarun, Baitulmal Secretary Humayon Kabir, Police Station Working Council Member Hafez Shahjahan, Hafez Saiful Islam, Engineer Iftekhar Sujan, Manjurul Islam and Advocate Tawhidur Rahman, Ward President Jamal Uddin Pathan, Engineer Shafiqul Islam, Abdur Qayyum Sohag. And Shahad Nurullah and others.

Rezaul Karim said, excellence in science and technology has come in the whole world. People’s way of life, beliefs, taste, culture have been touched by modernity. Worldly and material progress has been massive. But the sad thing is that in all areas of the world, decadence and unrest prevail. The entire world is now in turmoil due to the doctrines that were originally created by man. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and Khulafay Rasheda had given the tidings of peace to almost half of the world by following the rules of Ahi. Later, among the Muslim rulers who tried to govern by following the path of Allah and the ideals of the Prophet, they were also successful and successful in establishing peace, progress, development, progress and justice at the society, state and global levels. Therefore, to establish the present world as a nest of peace, there is no alternative to follow Ahi’s laws.

He said, Islam is a unique and complete way of life from Allah. It is mentioned in the Qur’an, ‘Indeed the only religion acceptable to Allah is Islam’. (Surah Al Imram-19) Elsewhere it is said, ‘Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted and he will suffer in the Hereafter’. (Surah Al-Imran-85) Basically, Allah Ta’ala has sent us to the world with the mission of commanding good deeds and forbidding evil deeds. In Kalam Hakim declares, ‘You are the best Ummah, you have arisen for the welfare of mankind. So enjoin good deeds and forbid evil deeds and believe in Allah. (Surah Al-Imran-110) Therefore, for the welfare of the world humanity in this time and the liberation in the hereafter, we need to expand our invitation activities. He called on everyone to unite in establishing a just society following the life philosophy of the Prophet.

Sirat Rally in Tejgaon North
A Sirat rally was held in the capital under the initiative of Tejgaon North Police Station. The leadership of the rally was Dhaka Metropolitan North Working Council Member and Publicity-Media Editor Mu. Ataur Rahman Govt.

Dhaka Metropolitan North Majlis Shura Member and Thana Amir Hafez Ahsan Ullah, Secretary Nasiful Islam, Jamaat Leader Kazi Mujibur Rahman, Enamul Haque Kazi Mohsin Khan and others were present. The rally started from Shaheen Bagh, Nakhalpara, Mohakhali bus station around Nabisco intersection and ended with a short rally.

Publicity-Media Secretary of Dhaka Metropolitan North spoke at the rally. Ataur Rahman Sarkar and Thana Amir Hafez Ahsan Ullah.

Source:Noya Digonto

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