Collective effort needed to increase literacy: Chhatrashibir

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Central President of Bangladesh Islami Chhatrashibir Manjurul Islam and Secretary General Zahidul Islam said that joint efforts are needed to increase literacy.

The two leaders of the organization said this in a joint statement on the occasion of ‘International Literacy Day’ on Sunday (September 8).

The leader said that on October 26, 1966, the 14th General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared September 8 as ‘International Literacy Day’. Since then, the member countries of the United Nations have been celebrating International Literacy Day every year on this day. The day is being celebrated worldwide through various events to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities and society.

The leaders of the statement said that the literacy rate in Bangladesh is 74.66 percent according to the census conducted last year. The goal of universal education is still far away due to various inequalities and poverty. According to the practical literacy survey released in 2023, 27.03 percent of children between the ages of 7 and 14 have not yet received any form of practical education, even though universal primary education has been compulsory in the country since 1993.

According to this survey, only 62.92 percent of practical literate people can read, write, understand and calculate. 26.05 percent of illiterate people in the country, 11.03 percent of partially literate people, 19.30 percent of basic literate people and 43.62 percent of advanced literate people.

The leaders also said that although the government has announced multi-pronged programs for universal primary education, Primary Education Development Program (PEDP), literacy campaign, non-paid primary and secondary education and expansion of technical and vocational education, the desired increase in literacy rate has not been possible due to lack of practical implementation. Due to corruption and lack of proper management, literacy programs are not being implemented effectively. In this context, International Literacy Day is a reminder to us that we still have a long way to go.

The leaders urged that we should build an educated nation. It must be ensured that no student drops out due to poverty and child labour. 100% implementation of compulsory primary education should be ensured. Disparity should be eliminated and the quality of education should be equal in rural and urban areas. Ensuring recruitment of qualified teachers, promoting ethical and knowledge-based education and research and improving technology and technical education systems. At least 20 percent of the national budget should be ensured in the education sector and the research budget of the universities should be increased. Social organizations, student organizations and human rights organizations working on education should be encouraged.

The leaders concluded by saying, We believe that increasing literacy requires a collective effort not only by the government, but by all of us. It is possible to achieve 100% literacy through various government and private initiatives. We will work tirelessly to achieve this goal and take the country forward on the path of progress through the spread of education. Let us all contribute to the efforts to eradicate illiteracy and illiteracy, work towards ensuring education for all and build a happy, prosperous and developed Bangladesh by achieving 100% literacy.

Source:Noya Digonto

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