Illegal Bangladeshis must leave the country within two months

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The country’s government has announced a two-month amnesty for foreign nationals including Bangladeshis living illegally in the United Arab Emirates to leave the country.
The special opportunity of amnesty is starting today from Sunday. It will continue till October 31.

This information was informed by the Bangladesh Consulate General Office in Dubai and Northern Emirates. Their guiding statement is also posted on their own website and Facebook page. It has been said there, only those Bangladeshis whose visa expires before September 1, 2024 will get amnesty.

In addition to the answers to questions such as where and how Bangladeshi expatriates living illegally in the UAE can get special amnesty processing services, what documents they need to get an exit permit from immigration, in addition to answers to all the questions, including who gets and who doesn’t get amnesty, a total of 20 questions have been answered in Dubai. From the office of the Consul General.

In response to the question of where to get amnesty 2024 services, Dubai visa holders should go to Al Abeer immigration and visa holders from other emirates to the respective immigration. Go to UAE Government approved Typing Tehsil/Amer Center as per Immigration instructions. Illegal expatriate Bangladeshis must collect original passport or travel permit from consulate office to get exit permission from immigration. If the age of the applicant is less than 15 years then biometric, fingerprint will not be required. According to the instructions of the consulate office, after getting the exit permit from the immigration, you have to leave the country within 14 days.

It should be noted that many foreign nationals, including Bangladeshis, are currently staying illegally in the country on a visit visa. Many people got the golden opportunity from Bangladesh to go to the UAE government and get the opportunity to convert to employment visa within three months. After that they get legal job opportunities. Again, many went to Dubai and were denied the opportunity to get an employment visa despite paying money in the hands of brokers. It is alleged that most of them are now unemployed and living a miserable life in various parts of the country including Dubai, Sharjah. However, the brokers are constantly taking Dubai as the first place on a visit visa, tempting them to take them to European countries. From there, they are being taken to Benghazi, a war-torn country in Libya, with the aim of taking the European country Italy by sea. Kidnapping gangs are collecting money from Bangladesh by taking hostages there. Yet many dreams end in the Mediterranean. And the dreams of many are stuck in Libyan detention centers

The amnesty opportunity of the Dubai Consulate General Office also states that anyone who goes to the country with an exit by taking the opportunity of amnesty will not be banned from re-entering the UAE.

Regarding penalty waiver and visa regularization process, fines will be waived if the passport and visa/ID copy are submitted directly to the relevant immigration office and a six-month Job Seekers Visa (work search visa) will be issued.

Millions of Bangladeshis were employed in the United Arab Emirates in the past years. UAE was the second largest labor market for Bangladeshis. However, there is a rumor that the country’s government was very angry because of Sheikh Hasina’s decision to vote for Russia. After that they stopped the process of taking workers legally from Bangladesh. After a long period of diplomatic activity, the process of visiting workers on visit visas began. At that time, the workers had the opportunity to go to Dubai with a valid clearance from the Manpower Bureau of Kakrail, Dhaka and convert it into an employment visa there. More than two lakh workers get a chance to go to the country under this opportunity. But many of them could not go to Dubai and convert to employment visa. Many of them are now living in the country illegally.

A fraud syndicate was created in BMET to get these visit visas cleared. In this cycle, many cases of forgery are also committed by the owners and employees of recruiting agencies.

An inquiry committee was formed under the leadership of the Additional Secretary of the Expatriate Welfare Ministry. In the investigation of that investigation committee, the names of several recruiting agencies, BMET officers and employees were found to be involved, but mysteriously, the name of the then Director General Shahidul Alam was omitted from the investigation committee. There are many questions about this. Later, allegations of Tk 100 crore of irregularities and corruption and forgery were filed against the DG in the Anti-Corruption Commission. Based on that, the former senior secretary of the Ministry of Expatriate Welfare and Foreign Employment. Anti-corruption commission’s investigating officer has written to Ahmad Muniruch Salehin asking for all the documents related to DG’s irregularities.


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