If the government is formed, I will make a law against disappearances: Tariq Rahman

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Acting Chairman of BNP Tariq Rahman said, “If BNP forms the government by the people’s vote, we will enact the necessary laws according to the International Convention on the Prevention of Disappearances (ICPPED) accepted by the United Nations to ensure that no person goes missing in the country, inshallah.”

He said this in a message sent to the media on the occasion of the International Day for the Prevention of Missing Persons on Friday (August 30) in memory of the victims of disappearances.

Tariq Rahman said, ‘Disappearance is a crime against humanity, which is a gross violation of basic human rights. Like millions of countrymen, I am deeply concerned about the unprecedented disappearances in Bangladesh. It is used as a tool of state repression. In the misrule of Sheikh Hasina, Ghum has been used to create a frightening situation in the public. Reliable human rights organizations have simultaneously revealed that since January 2009, more than seven hundred people have been disappeared by law enforcement agencies in Bangladesh. It is very painful, till date not a single case of justice has been served.’

He said, ‘These missing people were dear members of their families. Their dreams, love and beautiful future have been taken away. We do not know where the invisible people are, but we have left behind a tragic and painful Bangladesh, where our earned human rights and values ​​have been robbed. Disappearance is recognized as an international crime. Article 7 (2) of the Rome Statute of the ICC defines disappearance as a crime against humanity, and emphasizes the need for justice for this violation of human rights. On the International Day of Remembrance of Missing Persons, we observe the day to commemorate those who have gone missing across national borders, regardless of political philosophy, race, language, ethnic group, culture, caste, etc., and also to offer condolences to their families.’

He called for worldwide unity and solidarity for justice and accountability against the individuals and institutions involved in these ‘crimes against humanity’.

He also said, ‘On behalf of my party, I promise that if the Bangladesh Nationalist Party-BNP is elected by the people and forms the government, to ensure that no more person goes missing in Bangladesh, we will adhere to the International Convention on the Prevention of Disappearances adopted by the United Nations. I will enact the necessary legislation as per ICPPED, InshAllah. There must be justice for this heinous crime against humanity.’

Source:Noya Digonto

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