Jamaat registration case to be revived: Jamaat lawyer

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Initiatives will be taken to revive the appeal case related to cancellation of registration of Jamaat-e-Islami.

Jamaat’s lawyer Mohammad Shishir Monir told reporters this on Wednesday.

He said that the case pending in the Appellate Division has not been settled after full hearing. Dismissed or defaulted. Therefore we will apply for revival of the case. After the application is granted, it will be heard on merit. If our appeal is allowed in the Supreme Court decision, we will get the registration back. I will get back the party symbol. Similarly, when the next elections are held by regaining registration and symbols, Jamaat-e-Islami will no longer have any legal bar to participate in the elections as a political party.

He said that the order issued by Jamaat-e-Islami-student organization Islami Chhatrashibir, banning the politics of the party’s organs, has been cancelled. During the student movement in the country, on August 1, the Public Security Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs issued a notification banning the politics of Jamaat-e-Islami and its student organization Islami Chhatrashibir in the country under the authority given in Section 18(1) of the Anti-Terrorism Act 2009. We appeal to the new government to reconsider the decision of the previous government. They take it into consideration. A new notification has been issued in this regard today.

The notification said that since no concrete evidence of involvement of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and its student organization Islami Chhatrashibir, including all its affiliates in terrorism and violence, and since the government believes that Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and all its affiliates including Bangladesh Islami Chhatrashibir, Not involved in terrorist activities, therefore, the government, under the powers provided in Section 18 of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 2009, declared Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and its student organization Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir as political parties and organizations, as per the previous 17 Shravan 1431 Bangabd of this section. Notification dated 1 August 2024 S, R, O. No, 281/Act/2024 is hereby canceled and de-enrollment of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and its student organization Bangladesh Islami Chhatrashibir from Schedule-II of the said Act. It will be effective immediately.

Former Prime Minister and Awami League President Sheikh Hasina left the country on August 5 after resigning as a result of the Bengali Basant in the red revolution of the anti-discrimination student movement, various pro-democracy political parties, people of various classes and professions and common people. Then the previous Parliament was dissolved. Nobel laureate economist Dr. The new interim government was sworn in under the leadership of Muhammad Yunus. Various organizations are still continuing their agitation to face justice for those involved in the various irregularities, corruption and mismanagement of the outgoing government.

Source:Noya Digonto

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