Exchange meeting with the country’s leading scholars-Ulama, Pir-Mashaikh like Ameer Jamaat

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Amir of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Dr. Shafiqur Rahman said, “I am grateful to the great Lord that Allah Ta’ala has given us the opportunity to sit this sinful slave with our religious brothers in a very kind environment. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin. In my small life, I have had the opportunity to be an audience or somehow participate in the gathering of millions of people, in organizational life, in social life, Alhamdulillah. I bear witness to my Lord that I feel a hundred times more peace today than the contentment and tranquility that I experienced in my past celebrations, Rabbul Alamin you are witness.

He also said, Muazzaz Ulamae Keram, some have expressed an expectation to me. I am a very weak person, a small person, I am backward in all aspects in the era of knowledge. But our mawla is not weak. In the words of the Holy Qur’an, ‘Surely Allah has power over everything.’ His power is over everything. You should pray for me, that the religion of God should not be insulted or harmed because of this servant of God. Whatever is necessary for religion, the great Lord will surely do it, Insha’Allah.’

Dr. Ameer Jamaat. Shafiqur Rahman also said, Allah Rabbul Alamin has taught us that ‘Allah Almighty is sufficient for us, who is the best guardian. He is the greatest guardian and the greatest helper.’ Allah is sufficient for the believers against all conspiracies. Many people may say, why couldn’t we think about this earlier. This is also the order of Allah. Although we are the servants of sin, we see step by step how Allah Ta’ala executes His orders. This time, Allah Ta’ala gave me the opportunity to say Labbaik as a guest of Allah Ta’ala. I cut the Hajj trip short in the middle and went to another country for ten days. From that country my departure to what is now considered the world’s greatest was fixed. The person who was supposed to accompany me on that trip is also here today. We went to the airport. The check-in-desk instead of checking us in showed us to another desk, which is specially designated for two countries only. The check in desk said, you will be checked in after your clearance from there. After going where only my partner got clearance. I was told that this morning we received an email from a company in that country. They requested me not to allow you for the flight. My partner is a little younger than me, young people are surrounded by passion. I put my hands on his head and back and said, “Don’t we trust in the judgment of Allah Ta’ala?” He said, I do. I said, then leave me to Allah Ta’ala. Allah may not want me to go there. Maybe Allah Ta’ala will grant us some great welfare in the near future.

Dr. Shafiqur Rahman said, we went back to the land where the Quran was revealed and performed Umrah. During the Hajj, I could not hang on to the Multazim, Rukne Yamani with my heart full. But when I came back Alhamdulillah I was hanging for a long time, I did not understand how long I was there. Later my companions said that you were hanging for 42 minutes. When I felt satisfied, I let go. I have only said this to Allah Almighty, Rabbul Alamin, our nation is a great oppressor. And the scholars and ulama have been extremely discredited. The scholars-ulama who hold the teachings of the Prophet in their hearts, the Sahaba guide people on the path of goodness, they are being persecuted the most. I do not wish their destruction on you. But I beg you for the freedom of scholars. You create such an environment, so that the invitation of religion can be opened.

He said, I returned to the country on July 17. The field has been heated since July 15. There was no war for 4 hours on 17 July. After that the war started. That day was the day of Ashura. I thought that if I come a day later, I will be trapped. And there is a possibility of falling into war before a day. Allah Ta’ala allowed me to come to the country very safely. I am not essential to the organization, to the countrymen, but the country and the organization are essential to me. What mercy of God! If I had been out this time, I would have only been scurrying for the country. But Allah accepted me for the country. I said to my partner, what is Allah’s plan? Allah did not like what we wanted. Rather, what Allah Ta’ala wanted, has been added to our foreheads.

Jamaat Amir said, I cannot finish thanking you. By Allah Ta’ala, I never imagined that you would open your heart and speak so beautifully today. Allah Almighty is the witness of my heart, I only pray to God Rabbul Alamin, give me such a wide heart so that we can hold the freedom-crazed Islam-loving people of Bangladesh, our beloved motherland. Rabbul Alamin has taught ‘Oh my Lord! You make my heart right, make all my work easy, remove the crookedness of my speech, so that everyone can understand me.’ I will trouble you sometimes by keeping the desire in the court of that Lord. As small as I have to be for the Deen of Allah Ta’ala, I am ready for it, Alhamdulillah. Where you will invite this younger brother of yours when you think necessary. InshaAllah I will say Labbaik as soon as I call you. Leaders of all levels of our organization, including me, are always ready for the Deen of Allah Ta’ala, this is witness Allah Rabbul Alamin. Arz Rabbul Alamin to Allah Ta’ala, don’t let the opportunists and the enemies of religion eat jackals on our heads anymore. Warn us, give us courage, give us wisdom, guide us by favoring us from Your own side. We want to say to the great owner, ‘O our Lord! You guide us to the straight path. We seek help from you, keep steadfast on this path.

He also said, Shaytan should not make our feet slip. I seek shelter in your royal treasure, Auzubillahhi Minas-Shaitani’s Razim.’ Today’s courtyard is your courtyard from now on. From now on we are all for each other. We will all be united like a wall of lead, inshallah. If you have suffered a little because of some past behavior, I apologize to you for the sake of Allah. Hope you will forgive us. You are our brothers. If you do not forgive us, then who will forgive us? I apologize to you with folded hands, did you clear your mind and forgive us? Yazhakumullah Khairan. We are very relieved that you have forgiven us. InshaAllah we will walk together in the coming days based on the advice of Allah Ta’ala. Here the team is neither big nor small. Big and small Allah will decide. The Great Lord said, ‘He who is most pious among you is the best of people. Most respected.’ Let us leave the matter of big and small to the Lord of the world. Let’s not drag it out. May we be able to respect each other, love a little from the heart – May Allah grant us that Tawfiq, Ameen.

Maulana Rafiqul Islam Khan, member of the central executive council of Jamaat-e-Islami and president of the Ulama Committee, said, “Thanking Allah Ta’ala cannot be over that today Ulema-Keram from all levels of the country have come here in response to the call of Ameer Jamaat.” For this reason, I have offered millions of thanks to Allah Ta’ala, Alhamdulillah. Addressing the guests, I am grateful to you for coming here and enriching this exchange meeting today, Alhamdulillah.

He also said, regardless of the party, the ulama-mashaikhs and Islamic leaders of all marks should unite for the greater interest of Islam, for the sake of religion, for the sake of protecting the country, and above all, to build a crime-free ideal Islamic society. Over the ages, Olamaye-Keram has made important contributions in maintaining the independence of different countries, especially in the Indian subcontinent, in nation building, social development, social reform and building an ideal society. Irrespective of which path or party we Ulamae Keram belong to, if we can be united on the basic issues, then no one can stop the victory of Islam in this country, InshAllah. If you pay attention, you will see that wherever Maidan is going, common people are also leaning towards it. It means that the people of the country want to get something new, want a new trend. And that is the Islamic style, that is the style of Caliphate Rashedin, Insha’Allah.

Maulana Rafiqul Islam Khan, president of the exchange meeting, said that the necessity of unity, Shari’i Haisiyat, all levels of scholars-ulama, pir-mashayekhs and ulama of Markaz, Durbar and Maktab fikar should work unitedly to play the desired role in the formation and development of the country.

Maulana Azizul Haque Islamabadi, Joint Secretary General of Hefjat Islam, said that Ameer Jamaat has blessed everyone by bringing together the scholars of all Markaz. This unity of ours, or thousands of unity, will be of no avail, unless we can unite in the battle of the ballot. Our country is a democratic country. So we have to move to a democratic system.

Allama Khurshid Alam Qasemi, Ameer of Sahabah in Al-Ajma, thanked the Ameer Jamaat and said, “My one suggestion is that the followers of Kalima should be united.” From that Khairul Kuruni to the British movement we were united. So we need to be united again. Those who have ruled us for the past 52 years have basically exploited us in the name of rule. So no matter how many differences we have, we have to be united around elections. The people of the country now want a third person. We have to use this opportunity. A few days ago, Bangladesh was shown as a part of India. Our rulers are shown as tyrants. They cannot be accepted at all. Turkey’s Mustafa Kemal Atatürk changed the education system and converted the entire nation to atheism. Therefore, our foremost education system has to undergo a radical change in the Islamic way.

Senior Naib Ameer of Bangladesh Nezam Islam Party Maulana Abdul Majed Athari said, Our party’s footsteps are from Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanbi (R.A.). Cancel is always united. But there are thousands of differences between us. Now we all have to forget all differences and unite.

Shariat Mufti Abu Zafar Qasemi, the emir of the Khilafat Movement, said, “We must be united regardless of party-opinion.” We should forget all our past differences. No other political party can be given a chance.’

Young Islamic scholar Maulana Rezaul Karim Abrar said, ‘Seeing all kinds of scholars and ulama in one place is filling the chest with joy. Whatever constitution we have, even if it is temporarily suspended, we must now be united. We have to work shoulder to shoulder in the election.’

Muhtamim Maulana Moniruzzaman Kasemi of Jamia Madania said, “We are saying Oikya Oikya. But we were united. Sometimes we drifted apart. We were all oppressed by the separation. Now we all have to work together again. Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami is the largest Islamic party in Bangladesh. I have met Muhtaram Ameer Jamaat many times. He is very humble man. So I believe he is the one who can make us all stand on one platform, Inshallah.”

Mufti Azharul Islam, another top leader of Hefazat, said, “We are thanking God for coming together at the call of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami.” I pray for the forgiveness of the souls of those who were killed by the oppressive government. I pray for the forgiveness of the souls of those who were killed in Shapla Chattar. If Allah is with us then no one can defeat us. And if Allah is not with us then no one can win us. According to my knowledge, Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami fasts every Monday and Thursday. He is a handsome person. Although it is not right to praise directly, but still asking to know. So my mind says that only by him will the formation of an Islamic state be possible, InshAllah.

Under the chairmanship of Maulana Rafiqul Islam Khan, Assistant Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and President of the Ulama Committee and Secretary of the Ulama Committee. Principal Maulana Zainul Abedin, prominent religious scholar and educationist, Maulana Mufti Mohiuddin Qasemi, Pesh Imam, National Masjid Baitul Mukarram, Mufti Khurshid Alam Qasemi, Amir Azmate spoke among others in this exchange meeting of the country’s leading scholars-Ulama conducted by Maulana Khalilur Rahman Madani. Sahaba, Maulana Azizul Haque Islamabadi, Joint Secretary General, Hefazte Islam Bangladesh, Mufti Rezaul Karim Abrar, Islamic Scholar, Islamic Movement Bangladesh, Maulana Abdul Majeed Athabi, Senior Nayebe Amir, Bangladesh Nezam Islam Party, Mufti Azharul Islam, Joint Secretary General Hefazte Islam Bangladesh and Muhtamim Signboard Madrasah, Mufti Fakhrul Islam, Ameer Public Service Movement, Mufti Radesh Bin Noor, Nayeb Muhtamim, Makhzanul Uloom Madrasah,

Present were Maulana Munir Hossain Qasemi, Principal, Jamia Madania Baridhara, Maulana Abu Zafar Qasemi, Ameer Shariat Bangladesh Khilafat Movement, Maulana Mufti Abul Kalam, Muhtamim Mirpur Darul Uloom, Maulana Shah Arif Billah Siddiqui, Chhota Pir Saheb, Charchina, Peerzada Maulana Abdul Momen. Naseri, Pir Saheb of Mirersrai Darbar, Maulana Faizullah Ashrafi, Secretary General Islamic Law Implementation Council, Mufti Azizul Haq Aziz, Amir Muslim Janata Oikya Parishad, Maulana Abul Kashem Qasemi, Nayebe Amir, Bangladesh Khilafat Movement and Secretary General Bangladesh Ulamae Deoband Parishad, Mufti Ali Hasan Usama. , Secretary General, Ajmate Sahabah Bangladesh, Member of the Central Executive Council of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and distinguished educationist Mr. Nurul Islam Bulbul, the Emir of Dhaka Metropolitan South, among the Fikars, Markaz, Darbar and leading Ulemas of various Maktabs, Prof. Maulana A.N.M. Rashid Ahmad were also present. Madani, Dr. Maulana Habibur Rahman, President Dhaka Metropolitan North Ulama Division, Principal Maulana Musharraf Hossain, President, Dhaka Metropolitan South Jamaat Ulama Division,

There were also Muhaddis Mahmudul Hasan, Assistant Secretary Bangladesh Majlisul Mufassirin, Maulana Fakhruddin Ahmad, Assistant Secretary Bangladesh Majlisul Mufassirin, Hafez Maulana Lutfar Rahman, Amir, National Imam Muazzin Parishad and Secretary General Bangladesh Khilafat Rabbani, Sheikh Maulana Mostafiz Rahmani, Secretary General National Imam- Khatib Parishad and prominent TV presenter, Mufti Maulana Nuruzzaman Nomani, Chairman Islami Dawah Circle, Peerzada Maulana Kamrul Islam Saeed Ansari, Peer Saheb, Tekerhat Darbar, Professor Dr. Maulana Shamsul Alam, Dhaka University, Dr. Maulana Mir Manzoor Mahmud, Dr. Maulana Kamrul Hasan Shaheen, Mufti Hafez Maulana Masudur Rahman Zahedi, Amir National Khatib Parishad, Maulana Khalid Saifullah Bakshi, prominent media personality, Principal Maulana Mohiuddin Ghazi, Dr. Maulana Meem Atiqullah, Hafez Maulana Kawsar Ahmad, Mufti Tajul Islam etc. Also, about a hundred top Ulemas of fiqr in different schools of the country and Pir-Mashaikh were present at the exchange meeting.

Source:Noya Digonto

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