The change of pot has changed usurpers, extortionists

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After the ouster of Sheikh Hasina and her escape from the country, the situation on the ground has completely changed. BNP leaders and activists are very active in the neighborhoods. Attempts are being made to assert dominance in many places. Some are down in the race for possession.

Extortion has also seen new arrivals. A group has also become desperate to take the role of garbage collection of the city corporation in the absence of leaders and activists of Awami League and allied organizations during the change of power. The image of change in appearance due to encroachment and extortion can be found in different areas of the capital. Again, many people are getting involved in misdemeanors by dressing up as BNP leaders and workers.

The new BNP worker who has no position in the party and was not in the movement-struggle also changed colors in the field. BNP leaders and activists who have been out of power for more than 17 years are in an embarrassing situation. No one is listening to repeated warnings and expulsions from the central level of the party.

On June 27, the Dhaka North City Corporation vacated the illegal structures on the Ramchandrapur canal in the Satmasjid housing area of ​​Mohammadpur in the capital. But a few days ago, two huts were built in place of the canal with tin canopies and fences. A signboard of BNP has been hung on the door of a room. It reads, ‘Bangladesh Nationalist Party-BNP, Sat Masjid Housing Unit, Ward No. 33, Mohammadpur Police Station, Dhaka Metropolitan North.’

When this news was published in the media, BNP’s acting chairman Tariq Rahman ordered to find out who put up signboards using BNP’s name and take action. Aminul Haque, member secretary of Dhaka Metropolitan North BNP, went to that part of Ramchandrapur canal yesterday on Wednesday afternoon. In his presence, BNP leaders and activists demolished two houses built on the site of the canal. 

An office of Chhatra League was built illegally next to the road at Mohammadpur embankment. The extortion of the nearby sidewalk shops and auto-rickshaws was controlled by sitting there. After August 5, BNP leaders and activists took over the office when BLA leaders and activists fled. Now the banner of Ward No. 33 volunteer group has been hoisted there.

Adabar Thana Chhatra League office was at Shia Masjid intersection in Mohammadpur. It was burnt by the agitators during the clashes on August 3. That office of Chhatra League is now divided and occupied by the local youth party and volunteer party. Went there yesterday and found that the shutter of the office was closed. On one part of the shutter is written – Youth Dal, on the other part written Svechasevak Dal.  

A banner of Unit No. 4 of Ward No. 24 of Tejgaon Shilpanchal Police Station in Dhaka Metropolitan North has been placed on a structure built on the footpath at BG Press High School intersection in Tejgaon. A shopkeeper next to that office said that it was the Awami League office until August 5. 

Hanif Mohammad, a businessman from the burned slums of Kalyanpur, said that soon after the fall of Sheikh Hasina’s government, Ripon, the brother of a BNP leader of Ward No. 11, took over 30-40 houses and shops of the residents calling them Awami League. After this, when BNP leader SA Siddique complained to Saju, he sent people and vacated the houses. In this regard, Saju said, after hearing such incidents, we sent people and organized a procession with leaders and activists to deter them.

Meanwhile, the change of power did not change the custom of giving donations; The face of the extortionist has changed. Last Monday night, a person was selling vegetables in a van on the road in Mohammadpur bus stand area. At that time a man came and took 10 rupees from him. In this regard, the vegetable seller said that earlier Awami League people used to take Tk 20 per day and Tk 400 per month from each van. Now some people are taking Rs 10 per day in the name of BNP.

Sabuj Ali has been running a rickshaw garage on the footpath in Tejgaon’s Nabisco area for a long time. Earlier, Awami League leaders had to pay a contribution of Tk 30 per day for each rickshaw. Now even if they are not there, he cannot escape from the hands of extortion. Sabuj Ali said, ‘I never saw them in the area, they have now become the big leaders of BNP. Aya said, now I have to pay them the subscription, otherwise I will remove the garage. Now so many leaders of BNP are coming out, where have they been for so long?’

Traders in the capital’s caravan market complain that half a million rupees are extorted every day from the streets, footpaths, fish markets, vegetable stands, truck parking etc. The previous leaders are no more. But new leaders have started moving into stores.

After the change of power, the capital Dhaka’s waste system has also changed hands. A company named A2Z Media and Social Service Center had the license to collect waste from ward number 28 of Agargaon, DNCC. Forkan Hossain, the councilor of that ward, was in possession of it until now. Forkan left the area after August 5. Now Nazmul Haque Panna, owner of A2Z Media and Social Service Center, has taken up the task of waste collection.

Taiful Islam Tipu, secretary of BNP’s central office, said that multiple hotline numbers have been given by BNP to prevent encroachment and extortion. Action is being taken only when complaints are received. 

Dhaka Metropolitan North BNP member secretary Aminul Haque said that some miscreants, some new BNP leaders and activists are trying to defame BNP in this way. Urging the activists and residents to be careful, he said that those who are trying to defame BNP should be careful. If anyone tries to do so, he should be arrested and handed over to the police or the army. If the perpetrator is a member of BNP, he should also be given to the police.


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