To realize the aspirations of mass revolution, we must be united in the field: the state reform movement

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The leaders of the state reform movement said that the students must be united in the field to implement and protect the desire of the people’s revolution. All parties should transform this victory and unity into true national unity and stop the conspiracy of counter-revolution.

The speakers said these things in the dialogue entitled ‘The responsibility of the interim government in implementing the aspirations of the student-mass-coup and the proposal of the state reform movement in the context of what to do to protect the spirit of the coup’. Dhaka Reporters organized the State Reform Movement Dialogue at Unity on Monday.

Noting that the Awami League and its allies had declared war on the people by firing at noon, Hasnat Qayyum, chief coordinator of the State Reform Movement, said Bangladesh had a government for the first time, which was founded on a student-led mass uprising. Agitator leadership has direct participation in this government. Therefore, all parties should take effective initiatives to realize the coup desire by converting this victory and unity into true national unity.

Faridul Haque, political coordinator of the State Reform Movement, read a written speech at the event. He said, ‘So many people did not give their lives just to remove the fascist mafia rulers. They gave their lives to establish a system so that no other ruler could become such a fascist and tyrant using the power of the state.’

Dhaka University teacher Robayet Ferdous, teacher Kazi Maruful Islam, political scientist Dilara Zaman, senior journalist Sohrab Hasan, former member of parliament Tasnim Rana, writer Mahbub Morshed, former army officer Khan Shoaib Aman and others also spoke in the dialogue organized by the State Reform Movement.

Source: prothomalo

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