The police are back, but…

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Police were seen on the streets yesterday. Bangladesh has been running without any police for a week. It is not known whether such an incident has happened in any country of the world. At this time, people tried to save themselves from thieves, robbers and miscreants by creating security system locally. In almost all the neighborhoods of Dhaka, there is a vigil with sticks and flutes since evening.

After the new government assumed power, the police chief changed, there were some reshuffles in the force; But the police were on strike. Home Affairs Adviser Retired Brigadier General M Sakhawat Hossain spoke very strongly about this last Sunday.

He said, the last time for the police members who have not yet joined the work is next Thursday. If any of them do not join it will be assumed that they do not want to do the job.

On the same day, the home adviser held a meeting with the policemen who were on strike for the 11-point demand. In that meeting, the strike was announced. It has been decided that the police logo and uniform will be changed. As a result of these initiatives, the situation may improve. But the role played by the police around the students’ agitation and the dire response that followed should have left nothing in the morale of the force. The challenge to restore police morale is therefore enormous.

In the last few days, several police officers have communicated their helplessness and danger in various ways. They said, we have not committed any fault, why should we be punished for the sins of those who did? Their families are also afraid. This fear is so deep that the family members of some police officers have even said that the police are no longer needed.

There has also been a lot of reaction among policemen who are dignified without fear. An additional DIG of Khulna-Barisal Division of Tourist Police has already resigned. In his resignation letter, he wrote, the police force in Bangladesh has become a public enemy and he no longer wants to work in the police force because he is hated by the people.

As the police showed ruthlessness and brutality in suppressing the student movement, they were the worst affected. The police officers who have spoken to them are angry, those who have committed misdeeds of the police, planned and ordered brutality to suppress the students’ movement, they are safe. Those who have been attacked, who have given their lives and are still at risk, are ordinary policemen.

Many police officers have complained that the former police chief knew about the Prime Minister’s resignation the day before, but he did not give necessary instructions to the force accordingly. He had at least 10 hours. The army was able to prepare accordingly, and even the people of the government party were able to withdraw; But the police force remained in the dark. Their allegations put the force in extreme danger and the police chief himself went into hiding.

Police officials feel that to restore confidence in the police, action against identified gang members should be made visible. The announcement should state where they are and what action is being taken against them. It will reduce the anger of the people, they will understand that action has been taken against the criminals. And the members of the police force who have been victims of wrongdoing by the politically supported vested interests will also regain confidence and morale.

Police officers have spoken openly. I heard from an officer about the practice of ‘Darga’ in the police department. He said seven circles led by politically supported officers were active in the police. To the police people known as ‘Dargas’. Who will be appointed where, who will be promoted or not, it was decided through these dargahs. A policeman’s appointment or promotion to a good post was uncertain unless he was a member of one of these 7 dargas. These dargahs became so powerful that even the police headquarters or the superintendent of police had nothing to do here.

Police officials demanded swift action against those who led or were involved in these gangs. Who have been the beneficiaries, they also need to be identified.

A police official believes that the way ‘OC’ position has become personal in the police stations is one of the reasons for corruption and irregularities in the police. Whoever is present in the police station can act as the officer-in-charge.

There is no need to designate a person, not even a separate room for the OC. Now because the OC is not in the office, sometimes the case is pending. But if a constable is also present in the police station, he should have the opportunity to take cases and perform duties as OC.

During this police disaster, the officers who contacted various sources and spoke various inside words, their intention can be understood. They want the policy makers of the interim government to know and understand what has been going on inside the police department for so long. It may help them to take necessary steps.

Source: prothomalo

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