Allegations of beatings and searches of BCL in Dhabir

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Allegations have been made against Chhatra League of beating and ostracizing students in different halls of Dhaka University (DU) for taking part in the movement demanding quota reform. Students of different halls have complained. 

From Monday (July 15) evening onwards, the BCL started searching several halls including Vijay Ekatar Hall, Sir AF Rahman Hall, Masterda Suryasen Hall. There have been allegations of checking students’ mobile phones, room-to-room searches, beatings and beatings. 

Meanwhile, many are said to be in safe havens, fearing that the ‘situation’ in the hall will worsen. Several students of Vijay Ekatar Hall told the media that the Chhatra League leaders and workers started beating them at the gate when they went to the hall. 

A student of Sir AF Rahman Hall told the media that 8 students of the hall were severely beaten by BCL aspirants. Three people were kicked out of the hall. The victims of beating are Abdul Basit, Shakhawat Hossain Saku, Limon Khan Rana, Morshed Islam of the academic year 2020-21. Farooq Hossain and Tawheed Islam of academic year 2016-17, Hasibul Islam Habib, Anwar Hossain of academic year 2017-18 and Hedayet Hossain of academic year 2018-19. 

Eyewitnesses said that Shakhawat and Basit were badly beaten. Shakhawat was killed in his room. And Basit was going to the hospital. Then his phone was searched and he was severely beaten. Limon, Shakhawat and Morshed were thrown out of the hall. Anwar Hossain’s bed, books and notebooks have been thrown out. 

When informed about this, the principal of the hall, Professor Dr. Rafiq Shahriar said, ‘Looking, the matter is not known.’ 

Not only Vijay Ekatar and Sir AF Rahman, similar incidents are said to have happened to Masterda Suryasen as well. After searching multiple halls, it is known that BCL aspirants are staying at the hall gate. Facebook accounts of those entering the hall are being checked. It is being verified whether it is connected with the quota reform movement. 

Students are being beaten like this in different halls. When ASM told Maqsood Kamal, he appeared at Vijay Attar Hall at 11:40 PM. At this time, the Vice-Chancellor (Education) Professor Dr. Sitesh Chandra was also present. 

Ordinary students showed the video of Vijay Ekatar Hall beating up the vice-chancellor who spread it on social media. The principal of Vijay Ekatar Hall and BCL leaders denied it. Then the Vice-Chancellor left the spot after instructing the hall principal and resident teachers to be careful.

Source: Daily Songram

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