Motion does not change verdict: Chief Justice

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 Chief Justice Obaidul Hasan said that the verdict does not change by protesting. Only the court can change the verdict.

The Chief Justice said these things in the hearing of the petition seeking cancellation of freedom fighter quota on Wednesday.

He said that young students are being incited to protest in the talk show. Students may or may not understand the movement. They may be angry.

Listening to talk show talkers, it seems like no one is wiser than them. We who are in the judge’s seat know nothing. They seem to know everything, we know nothing. 

The Chief Justice said, the way the students are agitating cannot be appreciated. The High Court gave a verdict. The Appellate Division is there to see if that judgment was correct. The Appellate Division can overturn or amend the judgment of the High Court. You can also maintain it. Students can present their statement in court. This is the proper forum. 

He said, we have said earlier that verdicts are not changed by protesting. Only the court can change the verdict.

The Chief Justice thanked the two students who brought the application to the Appellate Division and lawyer Shah Manjurul Haque. 

The court asked the protesting students to submit their statement in written form to the court.

After the hearing, the Appellate Division declared the decision to cancel the freedom fighter quota system in the first and second class of government jobs invalid and issued a status quo for four weeks in the judgment given by the High Court. The court asked the state side and the students to file an appeal against the High Court’s verdict during this period.

As a result of this order, the circular issued by the government in 2018 canceling the quota of freedom fighters, lawyers said. 

A 5-judge appellate bench headed by Chief Justice Obaidul Hasan gave this order. Senior lawyer Shah Manjurul Haque heard the petition in court. Attorney General A. M. Amin Uddin heard for the state. Lawyer Mansurul Haque Chowdhury heard on behalf of the writ.

Earlier, on July 4, the Appellate Division upheld the judgment given by the High Court declaring the decision to cancel the freedom fighter quota system in the first and second class of government jobs invalid.

On October 4, 2018, the Ministry of Public Administration issued a circular abolishing the existing quota system for direct recruitment to first and second class posts in government jobs. Since then till now there is no quota in first and second class government jobs including BCS. 100% merit based recruitment is going on.

Source:Daily Songram

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