BNP rally in all district headquarters today

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BNP will hold a rally in all the district headquarters of the country on Wednesday to demand the release of party chairperson Khaleda Zia. Central senior leaders will participate as chief guests in these gatherings. Earlier, BNP held a rally at Nayapaltan in the capital on Saturday with the same demand. Then on Monday, rallies were held in eight cities of the country demanding the release of Khaleda Zia. 

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir announced this program at a press conference after a joint meeting with BNP’s organs at the party’s central office in Nayapaltan last Wednesday. Today is the last day of the program. After that, more programs are expected to be announced on the same demand. 

The BNP Chairperson was admitted to Evercare Hospital when he fell ill at his home in Gulshan on the night of June 22. The next day a pacemaker was implanted in his heart. After treatment, he returned to Gulshan home yesterday. 

Source: Daily Somokal

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