To build a drug-free country, the ideals of Quran and Sunnah must be followed: Salim Uddin

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Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami central executive council member and Amir of Dhaka Metropolitan North Muhammad Salim Uddin said that to build a drug-free country, the ideals of Quran and Sunnah must be followed.

He said these things while speaking as the chief guest at a discussion meeting on the occasion of International Drug Day organized by Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Dhaka Metropolitan North Youth Division at an auditorium in the capital on Thursday (June 27).

At the same time, he urged the youth to follow the Islamic rules to save the new generation from the black clutches of drugs.

Central Majlis Shura Member, Dhaka Metropolitan North Assistant Secretary and Youth Department President Dr. Under the chairmanship of Fakhruddin Manik and Shura member of Dhaka Metropolitan North Majlis Atiq Hasan Raihan, special guest was Maulana Yashin Arafat, Shura member of Central Majlis and Dhaka Metropolitan Working Council member.

Dhaka Metropolitan North Majlis member and Kafrul Paschim Police Station Amir Abdul Matin Khan, Youth Division Kafrul Paschim Police Station Director Aminur Rahman Aman, Kafrul Paschim Police Station Working Council Member Mahbubul Islam and Student Shibir Kafrul Police Station President Irfanul Haque Navin also spok

Salim Uddin said that drugs have been forbidden by Allah. But our state and society has now become the patronage of drugs. Which is a clear violation of the Qur’an and the laws of Allah. There is no alternative to build an anti-drug movement in the society and the state to save from the horrors of drugs. Otherwise the decline of the nation will become inevitable.

He said, our youth society is now on the verge of destruction due to drug addiction. A large section of the new generation has become addicted to drugs today due to the free flow of drugs into our country from neighboring countries. So we have to come out of this vicious circle for the greater interest of the country and the nation. Because, it is not possible to protect the development of the nation and the independence and sovereignty of the country with drug-affected youth. He strongly demanded prohibition of production, import, storage, marketing, consumption and use of drugs to save the new generation from the dangers of drugs.

He said that due to lack of proper enforcement of anti-narcotics laws, indifference and misuse of law enforcement agencies, drugs have spread at an unstoppable speed. He regretted that today some powerful people of the country are sponsoring drugs shamelessly.

Muhammad Salim Uddin said that everyone including the youth should follow the ideals of the Qur’an and Sunnah in order to be saved from drug abuse. He urged the youth to adhere to Islamic ideals in all aspects of life. Then we will be able to form a drug-free nation, inshallah.

Source:Noya Digonto

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