The people of the country want Jamaat to be a pillar of liberation: Rafiqul Islam Khan

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Maulana Rafiqul Islam Khan, assistant secretary general of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami said, “Our only belief is to walk in the path of Allah, to shine like a constant light star in the sky full of nikah kalima.” The people of Bangladesh today are looking for a way of liberation like lost stars. The people of the country want Jamaat-e-Islami as a pillar of liberation.

He said this in the chief guest’s speech at the Upazila Shura Members’ Conference organized by Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Jhenaidah District Jamaat under the chairmanship of District Amir Professor Ali Azam Md. Abubakar and conducted by District Secretary Professor Maulana Abdul Awal.

He said that the leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami should also lead the country. For this, the leaders of the Jamaat at all levels should acquire skills and qualifications according to the needs of the age. You have to stand by people in happiness and sadness. Schools, colleges, mosques, madrassas, orphanages, societies, associations, clubs should be established and managed properly in the neighborhoods. Justice must be ensured in Shalis-durbar. Deprived, wayward and orphan children have to fulfill their guardianship. Above all, people’s trust and love should be gained through more and more social work. There is no substitute for people-oriented character to lead the country and society.’

Mr. Mubarak Hossain, Member of the Central Executive Council and Director of Jessore-Kushtia Region spoke as a special guest in the conference. Jhenaidah District Branch Organizing Secretary Mr. Abdul Alim, Assistant Secretary Principal Abdul Hai, District Naib Ameer Prof. Matiar Rahman along with Shura members of each Upazila Majlis of Jhenaidah district were also present.

The Chief Guest also said that we observe with deep concern that ‘Indian Border Guard Force BSF often kills without reason on the Bangladesh border. Despite India’s repeated promises to bring the killings to zero on the Indo-Bangladesh border, killings continue to rise. The non-trial of the unjust killings of Bangladeshis on the India-Bangladesh border is very worrying. Due to the knee-jerk and weak foreign policy of the Awami League government, India is repeatedly killing people on the Bangladesh border. Awami League’s India appeasement policy is responsible for this murder. The countrymen think that Awami League has come to power by pledging to India. Therefore, the Awami League government does not have the honest courage to protest against any wrongdoing of India. People of Bangladesh always wish friendly behavior to their neighbours. We hope that the Indian government will stop the wanton killings on the Indo-Bangladesh border and conduct a judicial inquiry into every killing and punish the culprits according to law.’

Special guest Mr. Mubarak Hossain said, ‘Ibrahim and Ismail a. He bowed his head in obedience before Allah. Jamaat officials should also be motivated by this education. The future movement-struggle is a big challenge in front of the nation. Jamaat officials have to play a key role in meeting this challenge with skill and wisdom. For this purpose, Jamaat leaders and workers at all levels have to prepare from now.

Source:Noya Digonto

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