This time the death of Hajj has exceeded 1300, how many Bangladeshis?

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At least 1,301 pilgrims have died in Saudi Arabia during the Hajj season this year. Most of them are unauthorized pilgrims. They died after walking long distance in intense heat. 

This time, the whole Hajj season was full of fire in Makkah. The temperature was 45 to 47 degrees Celsius most of the day. Because of this, most of the deaths occurred due to heat-related illnesses including heatstroke. 

The Saudi authorities reported this information on Sunday. News from BBC, The Guardian and AP.

According to a statement from the country’s ministry, 83 percent of the deceased hajjis did not have official permission to perform Hajj. As a result, they could not receive services like cooling systems, cold water and sheltered places to avoid the hot sun like other Hajis who took permission. They had to walk long distances without any shelter in the intense heat. Many people lost their lives on the way.

Among the dead, 660 were Egyptian nationals alone. Only 31 of them had government permission to perform Hajj. In this incident, the Egyptian government revoked the licenses of 16 travel agencies in the country – which helped pilgrims travel to Saudi Arabia without official approval. Besides, 165 Indonesians, 98 Indians, 35 Bangladeshis, 2 American citizens and citizens of Jordan, Turkey, Malaysia, Algeria, Tunisia are also among the dead.

The country’s state press agency (SPA) said in its official message that the death toll has sadly reached 1,301, of which 83 percent did not have permission to perform Hajj. However, the country’s Health Minister Fahad bin Abdur Rahman Al-Jalazel described this year’s Hajj management as ‘successful’.

On Friday night, it was reported in the latest bulletin about Bangladesh Hajj that 35 Bangladeshi pilgrims died in Saudi Arabia. Among them 28 men and seven women.

The holy Hajj ceremony started on June 14. Hajj begins on the 8th of Zilhaj, the last month of the Arabic calendar. On June 15, pilgrims stayed at Arafat Maidan all day. The next day, Hajira performed animal sacrifice at 10 Zilhaj. Hajj ends after two more days.

According to the Saudi Statistical Authority, 1.833 thousand people performed Hajj this year. Among them, 16 lakh 11 thousand 310 foreigners and 2 lakh 21 thousand 854 Saudi and expatriate citizens.

However, this year, the Saudi government expected about two million Muslims from around the world to participate in Hajj. In the beginning, the Saudi media gave such information. However, in the end, the number of Hajids reached 18 lakhs.

Source: jugantor

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