Jessore’s Mujtabir scored the highest score in IELTS

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Azmain Mujtabir of Bankra village of Jhikargacha upazila of Jessore scored 9 out of 9 in IELTS. In 2023-24 he got the highest marks in IELTS from International Education Institute. He obtained this score by taking an exam from Chempaka International School in Chez, Malaysia

It is known that Azmain Mujtabir is the son of Aminur Rahman and Monira Khatun of Bangra village in Jessore. He now lives in Malaysia with his parents. Last year he gave his A level exam from Chempaka International School. In that exam, he got 100% marks in Physics and Chemistry, Maths and Fardar Maths and showed amazing merit.

Azmeen recorded the highest score in the IELTS exam this year. Along with this, he participated in the Scholastic Assessment Test (SIT) scholarship exam and created a record by getting full marks out of 1,600 marks. Azmain can study in any university in different countries including USA, Canada, Australia, England through SIT scholarship.

About his dream, Azmain said, I want to become an aerospace engineer in the future. In addition to formal studies, it is very important to be able to speak, understand and write English. I believe that success will come if the goal is fixed.

Source:Bangla Vision

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