Govt’s behavior on St Martin issue is surprising: Saiful Haque

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Revolutionary Workers Party General Secretary Saiful Haque expressed concern over the presence of three Myanmar warships off St. Martin’s coast in Teknaf. In a statement on Saturday, he said, the presence of Myanmar warships in the waters of Bangladesh and the firing of mortar shells against the Arakan Army from the ships. Mortar shells have already been fired at Bangladeshi trawlers. These sinister military activities of the Junta forces are a threat to the sovereignty of Bangladesh. The government’s calm behavior in the face of Myanmar’s continuous provocations is astonishing.’ 

Saiful Haque said that Myanmar’s junta forces have been creating continuous provocations in border areas including Teknaf and Saint Martin. Their military activities have created fear among Bangladeshi citizens on the border. They spend their days in insecurity.’

In the statement, he also said that the government needs to take initiatives to stop these activities in Myanmar immediately. Saiful Haque called on the government to take necessary steps to ensure the safety of Bangladeshi citizens including the deployment of army in the border areas. 

Source: jugantor 

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