The Difference Between Past and Present Scenes of Hajj

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Muslims all over the world have been performing Hajj for centuries. However, with the passage of time, the quality of service of the pilgrims is improving every year. The pain is less than before.

The Saudi government considers it a very important responsibility for itself to serve the pilgrims and provide them with all possible comforts and facilities.

Hajj services have undergone rapid changes and improvements over the past few decades. Due to the qualitative and developmental changes that Saudi Arabia has brought in the service of the pilgrims, the Hajj has become much more organized, coordinated, calm and comfortable than in the past.

Looking at the scenes of Hajj in the old days, it is understood that the pilgrims used to walk long distances on foot or with the caravans of the then era using different methods. Many people used to go out on the journey of Hajj on the back of different animals.


At present, pilgrims can easily go to Mina by bus. But in the previous era, pilgrims had to struggle to go to Mina.

In the past, Hajj pilgrims used to go out risking their lives. They had to travel long distances on foot. Sometimes it had to go through the hot sun and sometimes it had to go through heavy rain.

At present, pilgrims can easily reach Mina. They reached Mina on the morning of 8 Zilhaj. They spend all day here.

During this time, they tried to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) by reciting Tahlil and Talbiyah.

Then they stayed in the field of Arafah for 9 Zilhajj. From there he went to Mudalifa and spent the night. Then 10 Zilhaj again went to Mina, where he threw stones at Satan in Jamara.

Then they sacrifice animals and cut their hair. Then the pilgrims do Safa-Marwa Sa’i by performing Tawaf Ziarat or Hajj obligatory Tawaf.

Source:Time News

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