Why has the vulture’s eye fallen on BUET?

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Minar Rashid:

This question is from one of our elder brothers. I am also an alumni of a proud organization in this country. Even if you are out of the country, keep an eye on the socio-economic situation of the country! In no way can this elder brother be called communal or a particular political affiliation. Rather, at one time non-Awami League used to fight alone with all friends! Some of those who argued against him have now become deadly Awami Leaguers. In adulthood, these memories are full of jokes, sometimes share them with me!

He asked me to write or say a little about it. The elder brother spoke of his fears! That fear is the main topic of today’s writing. As a side dish or appetizer, I will go back to mentioning a couple of saltwater salty topics.

The elder brother thinks that two institutions in this country are still standing up after cutting the influence of hundreds of consciousness or tea-chamocha. One is BUET and the other is Bangladesh Marine Academy. I slightly disagree with my older brother about the Marine Academy. However, it is true that the alumni of Bangladeshi organizations outside the country have reached a more prestigious position in different parts of the world, these two organizations are one of them. The former mariners have created a market for the newcomers that even the present-minded chai-chamocha walas cannot waste. We are still in a good position in comparative competition as the top level of talent has stopped coming to the Marines all over the world, especially in the neighboring country.

However, this institution could not maintain that standard (considering meritorious intake) like BUET. At one time, many gems (!) on the merit list were admitted to this institution. In some batches, 25 out of 48 cadets were from the merit list! Some of that importance has been retained due to its earlier name and somewhat changed global demand and supply.

Dr. Sajid Hossain has increased the cosmetic appearance of the Marine Academy in the last fourteen years, or even if he has arranged many tea-chamocha, he has destroyed a lot from inside! Earlier, where thousands of meritorious students were eager for admission, now the required number of cadets can not be collected even by playing drums.

Even after retirement (it is not over), who still holds the wand of the landlord of the Marine Academy in his hand.

Now when you go to the Marine Academy, a strange writing catches the attention of many! A spectacular architecture called Bijoy Nirantara has been written there, Mrittika Vijay 1971, Samudra Bijoy 2014! Many oilers uttered this word at that time, but this way our favorite organization has kept it in the chest! It is like introducing the Mujibian year like the Christian year. I don’t know why that great initiative didn’t go any further!

Compared to what? One victory came through a bloody war. The other achievement came from the natural continuation of international rules. In the hair-splitting analysis, we have lost more than we gain compared to our opponents India and Myanmar! For the most part, there has been a win-win situation! Embracing Sheikh Hasina, what drama is that of Dipumoni, the climax – she is not forgotten! The whole world laughed at this plight of our emotional intelligence! It was arbitration – where no one wins or loses. Even if Hero Alam was the Prime Minister of Bangladesh before 2014, this so-called sea conquest would have taken place. Dipumoni then had to hug Hero Alam in this kissim. In this type of arbitration, both sides are placed in a win-win or win-win position. In the name of establishing a special consciousness, Dr. Zafar Iqbal at the top and Dr. Sajid at the bottom have completed all the preparations to create a stupid nation with low IQ! Even after passing from the Marine Academy, you will not know what the war of independence is and what is arbitration or international arbitration!

It is a matter of great disappointment that the person who was in charge of this institution or is still in charge is himself a brilliant student of that golden era of the Marine Academy. He is also burdened with many degrees and achievements, including doctorates. Unlike his own leader (despite being an employee of the state, he did not hide his involvement) these degrees are not all charitable degrees. Many of these degrees or achievements he has earned with some hard work. He had that capacity and he used it properly. Even then, the revered elder brother followed that formula of tea-chamocha and did all this painful oil! This eye-catching architecture installed on the parade ground of the Marine Academy will keep his oily period for a long time, especially in the Maritime Memory or Digital Museum of the Nation, it will remain alive for a long time. The maritime world can tell, we had one too! He is also the Prime Minister’s man, sorry Seaman!

I am not surprised to see our beloved Sajid sir or Sajid bhai in this role. Most of the commandants before him had served one term (three years) or two for two terms. He is the only lucky one to hold the chair from 2009 to 2023. That is, he has established Mini Baksal in the Marine Academy. It seems that he will also be the commander of the Marine Academy until 2041. Just as Allah has not made any alternative to Sheikh Hasina as the Prime Minister of this country, similarly there is no alternative to our Sajid Bhai as the Commander of the Marine Academy!

Peele was shocked to see the official order he still wrote in December 2023 when he delegated this great responsibility to someone else. In the last paragraph of the government order, he wrote that the undersigned’s extension application is awaiting the approval of the ministry, so he is on standby to retake his responsibility.

In fact, the Sajid brothers have made the entire state their own ancestral property! As far as I know, his family is still staying in the house allotted for the commandant. That is, he is still the standby landlord or jamadar of the Marine Academy!

Look at the mug! Before leaving his zamindari, he is officially informing the next caretaker that his departure is temporary, there is a slight problem in the zamindari papers, which will also be fixed soon. So choose a caretaker! Call it ‘next-place-next-land’ for a while, don’t call yourself a landlord again!

IITs are one of the institutions that India is proud of. The alumni of that organization have taken positions in many important places, including the CEO of the world’s renowned organization, including Google. There, side by side, they see the shadow of another institution in the country of termites (according to Amit Shah). They are also entering various important places like termites! This institution is BUET. Like IIT for India, BUET is for Bangladesh! All of them have been finished, and it is still intact.

এখানে উল্লেখ্য, গবেষণা সহ কিছু ক্যাটাগরিতে বিশ্বের সেরা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়গুলির তালিকায় বুয়েট পিছিয়ে থাকলেও এখান থেকেও শ্রেষ্ঠ মানের দক্ষ জনশক্তি ইনডিভিজুয়াল ক্যাপাসিটিতে তৈরি হয়- এই ম্যাসেজটি বাইরের বিশ্বে ছড়িয়ে গেছে কিংবা এর এলামনাইগণ এই ম্যাসেজটি ছড়াতে সক্ষম হয়েছেন। নাসার কর্তাগণও এই বুয়েটের নাম জানে। সেটাই অমিত শাহদের জন্যে চিন্তার বিষয়!

Although the country is captured politically and administratively, there is a ‘something’ somewhere! This is what the current and former students of BUET have shown. They have heard a lot of bad things, there are camps, they have also been abused by Hizb ut-Tahrir. BUET has become a mini Pakistan. Still, he didn’t give up.

Awami court wants to make BUET students indulge in student politics. So is the VC’s wish. The VC said students will be encouraged to see the good works of BCL. But 99.999 percent of the students there have thrown this product in their mouth. Chhatra League central president Saddam, who failed five times in the general subject of Dhaka University, and the leaders of the Chhatra League of Haribhanga Degree College are determined to start systematic student politics in their words.

Those who have shaken the systematic politics from all over the country have now started crying for systematic politics in BUET! The pro-government intellectuals have started hookah hua together. If there is no politics of goonda league in BUET, it will go into the hands of militants. But there are various intelligence agencies of the government, including law enforcement agencies, for all subversive activities including militancy. Can’t they go to BUET for their professional work (detective work)? But why this propaganda? What is their real purpose?
The real intention of these sinners becomes clear only if they apply their own mind a little. Now maybe they themselves will create these so-called militant groups and try to seize the common students or silence their voices. General students have to be extremely careful in this regard, be alert against all conspiracies.

The general students held a press conference and published a survey report! According to the online survey, out of a total of 5,834 students of BUET, 5,683 signed against student politics. That is, 97 percent of the students are against student politics on the campus. Besides, only 5 to 6 people were present at the press conference in favor of the BCL position. Only one took part in the examination against the position of ordinary students. Interestingly, these 5,834 students are between the ages of 19 and 23. They ranged in age from 3 to 7 16 years ago. That is, their thick grooming has been done by consuming tablets of Zafar Iqbal’s consciousness. Most of those who have been admitted to BUET have studied in the local curriculum through Bangla medium. That is, the textbooks they grew up reading have been published under the full control of Zafar Iqbal! The outcome is really interesting. What Zafar Iqbal wanted to swallow, these children did not go. From that sadness of the mind, they are being called Shibir and Hizb ut-Tahrir! There is a far-reaching goal behind the attempt to destroy all educational institutions including BUET!

The dollar that one and a half to two crore people of our country brings to the country with manual labor is taken away by several lakh executives of the neighboring country. The number of Indians working in Bangladesh is 2.6 million, it has come in Indian newspapers.

By taking special consciousness pills, we will make Manik-Ratan like the Chhatra League leaders of broken colleges in different parts of the country, boys like Feltus Saddam will be the controllers of student politics, they will be ministers one day! When some of them came out and started talking in front of foreigners, the local brothers present said, “O earth, divide you into two!

On the other hand, millions of unemployed children will go crazy to leave Sonar Bangla. Our eyes, faces, and hearts will be satisfied to see the spectacular scene in the world media while traveling to Europe or Malaysia or in the Mediterranean Sea. Intoxicated people will lead a cursed unemployed life inside the country. The entire education system of the country is being stimulated in this way. BUET and Haribhanga Degree College will become one!

So the policy or intelligence is of the diamond king, “The more they know, the less they will obey!”

Author: Marine Engineer, Author and Researcher


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