Now he also fakes 100, 200 taka notes

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Liaquat Hossain alias Zakir has been making fake money and spreading it in the market for almost 25 years. Earlier he used to forge 500 and 1000 rupee notes. Now Liaquat also forged 100, 200 taka notes. Even though he was arrested six times in the past, he got out on bail and started doing the same thing again.

Moshiur Rahman, Deputy Commissioner (promoted as Additional DIG) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DB) Lalbagh Division told Prothom Alo.
DB arrested four people including Liaquat after raiding a house in Daniya area of ​​Kadamtali in the capital today from 9 am to 12 pm. Police have seized 100 million fake money from the house and various materials for making fake money.

During police interrogation, Liaquat admitted that fake money was being made in Dania’s house under his leadership. A large amount of counterfeit notes of 1000, 500, 200 and 100 taka were recovered from the house.

Liaquat was arrested six times in one era

According to Moshiur Rahman, Deputy Commissioner of Lalbagh Division of DB, Liaquat is one of the makers of counterfeit money in the capital. He has a nationwide network. Liaquat was first arrested 11 years ago. Then he was arrested in 2018. He was later arrested in 2020. He was arrested six times including this time. Every time the police recovered a huge amount of fake money from him. After being released on bail, Liaquat started making fake money again.

Moshiur Rahman said that after 2020, Liaquat went to Bagerhat and Khulna from Dhaka and went into hiding due to police surveillance. He was carrying on the fake money business by renting a house there. Then he returned to Dhaka again. Since then, Liaquat was making fake money at the house of associate Lima Akhter’s Dania. Later, on the basis of secret information, raids were conducted there and a huge amount of fake money was recovered today.

According to the police officer Moshiur Rahman, those who make fake money, pay two lakh to three lakh taka. When an accomplice was arrested, Liaquat alias Zakir went to the shrine and hid himself. For this, some people call him ‘Mazar Zakir’. Many have taken advice from him and set up ‘home factories’ of fake money. To them he is known as ‘Guru Zakir’.

Source: prothomalo 

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