Mahir, the new president of a section of the student union. Editor Bahauddin

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The new central committee of the left-wing student organization Bangladesh Chhatra Union (Eksha) has been announced. Mahir Shahriar Reza was elected as the new president of the committee and Bahauddin Shubo was elected as the general secretary.

The organization has given this information in a press release on Saturday.  

Mahir, a student of Dhaka University, was the outgoing Central Committee General Secretary of the organization. Bahauddin Shubo, a student of Anandmohan College, Mymensingh, was the vice-president of the same committee

According to the press release, this new committee has been formed through the 42nd National Conference of the Student Union Akhtar Hussain, author of the party song of the children’s writer and students’ union, announced the opening of the conference at the foot of the invincible Bengal of Dhaka University on Thursday afternoon with the slogan ‘With the bright signature of our oath, new education will shine’.

The council session of this conference of student union was held yesterday Friday and today Saturday in Dhaka University Student-Teacher Center (TSC) auditorium. Mahir Shahriar Reza as president, Bahauddin Shubo as general secretary and Alif Mahmud as organizing secretary were unanimously formed as the central committee of 41 members in the session. It is mentioned in the notification that the new committee has been formed based on the opinion of about 300 representatives from all over the country.

Deepak Sheel, the outgoing president of the student union read the oath to the members including the new committee president-general secretary. After taking the oath, the leaders of the new committee started their activities by paying homage to the portrait of martyr Moin Hossain Raju in the TSC area.

Due to the split in the student union, two alternate central committees were formed in June last year. One was led by Deepak Sheel, the other by Ragib Naeem. The term of the central committee of student union led by Ragib Naeem has been extended by six months, Ragib himself told Prothom Alo on Saturday.

Source: prothomalo 

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