Efforts to make Islam victorious must continue: Professor Mujeeb

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Naib Amir of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and former MP Professor Mujibur Rahman said, ‘We must continue our efforts to make Islam victorious by facing all the obstacles. The invitation of Islam must be delivered at the grass root level.’

Prof. Mujibur Rahman said this in the speech of the chief guest at the education camp organized by Bogra Region on Saturday (June 1) under the chairmanship of Assistant Secretary General and Bogra Region Director Maulana Rafiqul Islam Khan and conducted by Bogra Region Team Member Professor Nazrul Islam.

He said, ‘Islam is a way of life chosen by Allah. It has come down to us as a victorious way of life through the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. So we have to be active in the movement to establish this religion. There is no fear of danger while doing this movement. He quoted the great book Al Quran and said, if you do Islamic movement, you will be saved from the fire of hell, sins will be forgiven and you will go to paradise.

The chief guest criticized the government and said that the current government calls them militants when they talk about Islam in Bangladesh. The government is treating the people like the pharaohs of yesteryear. Addressing the activists, he said, Islamic movement should be done with the desire of martyrdom. One can go to heaven through sacrifice of life and wealth. Martyrdom is a great way to heaven.’

Assistant Secretary General Maulana Abdul Halim and Rajshahi Metropolitan Ameer spoke as special guests. Keramat Ali Among others, the central working council member Dr. Abul Ehsan, all district emirs of the region including Maulana Abdur Rahim, region team member.

Special guest Maulana Abdul Halim said, ‘The families of the workers and leaders of the Islamic movement should be made as ideal families. All the rights of close relatives including parents, brothers and sisters, children should be ensured. The intention of the leaders and activists of the Islamic movement should be to die from being involved in this movement.’

Assistant Secretary General and Bogra Region Director Maulana Rafiqul Islam Khan said in the President’s speech, ‘If the Jamaat has to reach its goal, then the duties assigned to the members of the District Working Council must be fulfilled properly. Following the example of the Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), we must play a proper role in accelerating the Islamic movement, ignoring all the obstacles in the field and keeping the goal of success in the Hereafter in mind. One should lead from the front row with the aim of attaining the pleasure of Allah. We have to show the ultimate sacrifice in the field. This sacrifice is not only in terms of material things, it should be the sacrifice of time, the sacrifice of talent, the sacrifice of hope, the sacrifice of desire, the sacrifice of pleasures and all kinds of self-sacrifice. Above all, one of the main lifelines of the Islamic movement, discipline and loyalty must be properly observed by the responsible at all levels of the organization.

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