Cultural aggression in textbooks

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The main objective of the education system is to enable a citizen to ethically discharge the responsibilities of his personal, family, social, state and professional life. And this is ensured in accordance with the beliefs, culture and values ​​of the people of the country. But it remains neglected in the existing education system. Rather, there has been an attempt to establish Brahmanical culture and secularism as the basic philosophy, removing religion and morality from the current education system. In the preface of the Education Policy 2010, the Hon’ble Prime Minister said, ‘The notable aspect of this education policy is that religion, science and technical education have been prioritized here.’ Chapter-2 of this education policy lays a policy emphasis on 30 points defining the ‘Aims and Goals of Education’ in which point 16 on page 2 is ‘To help students develop better character through religious and moral education at the primary and secondary levels.’ On page 21 it is said, ‘The main source of morality is religious education.’

In fact, we can clearly see that the importance given to religious education in the National Education Policy-2010 passed by the Parliament has not been reflected in the National Education Curriculum Outline-2021. Rather, a deep conspiracy to eliminate religion and Islamic education has been implemented. The former Minister of Agriculture of the Awami League government. Abdur Razzaq says, ‘New curriculum introduced without discussion in Parliament’ (daily education). The government informed the nation somehow. But in reality, the nation is kept in the dark and implemented differently.

Where is science education in the syllabus of NCTB? The way science education has been shrunk is unprecedented anywhere in the world. What science of the fourth industrial revolution will be taught through the knowledge of drum, tabla, harmonium, music notation, dance, singing, acting, transgender and sex education? The comments of the respected teachers of Dhaka University about the new curriculum – ‘Among the ministers, bureaucrats and big party leaders who praised this new curriculum, not a single child is studying in the new curriculum or in Bengali medium.’ Rather, middle class, lower middle class and farmers’ children of Bengal are forced to study in this curriculum. In other words, the children of 90 percent of the people can be nothing but servants of workers, clerks and bureaucrats.

The following is a brief description of the new curriculum that subtly includes foreign cultural aggression, Islam and anti-national interests:

1. Erasing Islamic culture in the name of art and culture.

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2. A subtle plan to eradicate madrasa education in the name of one-way education.

3. They aim to make the nation dependent by destroying the talent of future generations by shrinking science education.

4. Preparing the brains of children, teenagers so that there is no religious identity.

5. Promoting transgender doctrines and sexual practices that are destructive to human civilization and against nature.

6. Dominance of Pagan and Brahmanical culture, i.e. the pillars of de-Islamization.

7. Attempts to hide the contribution of Muslims such as:

a) The history of Muslim sacrifices in the independence movement has been grossly ignored by mentioning only orthodox religious people in the history of freedom movement in the 9th class ‘History and Social Science’ book in the academic year 2024, which is basically a serious attempt to distort history and hide the contribution of Muslims.

b) Avoiding the history of Muslim rulers.

c) Attempt to characterize the Muslim rulers by presenting them as tyrants.

8. By excluding ‘agricultural education’, the very foundation of Bangladesh’s economy is being denied.

9. In ‘domestic science’ girls were taught strategies for economic success. But the attempt to make our young girls compulsorily dancers, heroines, singers, actresses etc. against their will, without this education, is basically driving the family bond into turmoil.

10. Statement of Western doctrine.

The textbooks of 2024 have seen some changes that were not there before. Its prevalence is many. A few facts from that are presented here-
a) In the 2022 academic year, Ibtedayi first class English for today book 2nd page had the exchange of greetings during the conversation between the students. But in 2023 the salam was deleted where the words ‘good morning’ were given and it has been kept unchanged in the 2024 academic year as well.

b) On page 39 of ‘Bangladesh and World Identity’ book of the academic year 2024, the Mangal Shobhayatra and Dhol-Tabla are presented in the name of native culture.

c) In addition, history and social science book of seventh class: 18, 95 and 96 pages, Bangladesh and world identity of fourth class; De-Islamization has been done in many cases including 84 pages.

d) On page 97 of the 6th class health protection book, it is written that, ‘Even if my mother kisses my forehead, I may not let my friend kiss me. But maybe I won’t feel uncomfortable walking around holding hands with the same friend.’ Girl or boy friend is not mentioned here. Even if you don’t allow me to kiss you again, there is no obstacle to go around holding hands.
In today’s society, many teenagers are missing and raped by their friends without the knowledge of their parents. It is nothing but a strategy to turn the civilized society of Bangladesh into a society of uncivilized free sex like the West.

e) The story of Sharif and Sharifa is discussed from pages 39 to 45 of the 7th class history and social science book. In 2023, there was a storm of protests across the country as the book promoted anti-nature and anti-indigenous transgender people. Even in 2024, the transgender issue was mentioned in the book without the authorities taking it into account. Attempts have been made to portray homosexuality as imported from the West by confusing transgender people with the third gender or transgender population.

f) As this curriculum is unidirectional, the general subjects are included exactly from the syllabus of school education as textbooks of madrasa education. The textbooks contain many topics that are contrary to the philosophy of madrasa education.

g) Students have to do group discussion, group assignment on the subject of textbook. Students are advised to search the subject on the internet. Searching for these on the Internet will lead to pornography. In this way, by openly discussing sensitive issues, shame will be removed and they are likely to be easily involved in any unethical activities.

h) Literature is more than language in eighth class English books. We think Honors-Masters level story and poetry readings are brought into eighth grade. It is not easy for students of this age to acquire knowledge of this literature. As a result, students will be afraid of English education.

Our Demands:

01) Abolish the controversial Education Curriculum-2021 and involve experienced, patriotic and religious educators in formulating an up-to-date education curriculum.

02) Exclusion of controversial and anti-Islamic articles from all subjects of textbooks. All textbooks of schools and madrasas should be kept free of foreign culture, un-Islamic words and obscene images.

03) Madrasa Education Curriculum according to Education Policy-2010 to be revised by Madrasah scholars, religious scholars, Islamic scholar teachers and to formulate independent curriculum while maintaining the identity of Aliya Madrasa.

04) Individual higher pay structure for teachers and teacher protection legislation should attract talent to the teaching profession.

05) Abolition of anti-nature and anti-indigenous culture transgender doctrine from textbooks and abolition of transgender quota in educational institutions. Formulating clear policies to ensure good education of the neglected hijra population in the society

06) The basis of religious education should be according to the respective scriptures and the books should be named according to the name of their religion.

07) To provide religious education for students of all religions with the aim of creating morally rich manpower.

08) To bear all expenses of education by the state and to nationalize all MPO affiliated educational institutions including Ibtedayi Madrasas.

09) ‘Agricultural Education’ and ‘Home Science’ education should be made compulsory in the curriculum of all classes with the aim of solving mass unemployment and food shortage and making the economy self-reliant by creating male and female entrepreneurship.

10) Open discussion with impartial patriotic educationists, researchers, intellectuals and religious Islamic scholars to resolve the storm of objections and debates about education.

Source: daily naya diganta

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