The actress was sexually assaulted at the age of 12

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Damini Beni Basu appealed for the protection of women in Natyangan of Indian Bengal. And actress Churni Gangopadhyay came forward to support him. Churni Gangopadhyay wrote on social media this morning (April 26) in this regard.

Churni mentioned a post about ‘Metoo’ on Instagram six years ago. In that post, Churni wrote, ‘I may have been young, but I have not forgotten. The cry of a silent victim of child abuse accumulated for a long time! Staying silent for so many years just because I couldn’t say it.’ Referring again to that post, he wrote, ‘The criminal has not been punished. But I believe he will get the results.’

The actress was a victim of torture when she was a 12-year-old teenager. That wound is still unrelenting. The actress is still waiting for that person to apologize to her one day.

According to him, this is the least the person can do for the scars and emotional trauma that have given him for life. The actress wrote, ‘She is comfortable with the fact that I can’t bring her name to the public. And that’s exactly why he took advantage of the 12-year-old girl, who is still confused about the incident.’

The memory of the incident is still vivid today. Bewildered, with a mountain of disbelief. Taking the opportunity, he ran away from the house. A 12-year-old girl collapsed that day with a dry throat, rapid heartbeat, and trembling with fear. That day the innocent little heart trusted the criminal!

The actress said that she wanted to sign the application form of Beni Basu. But he could not do so as it was late.

So he is showing support through Facebook ‘post’. “However, not only in the theater world, but in any field of society, we should think about the protection of women,” said the actress, urging others to protest against the incident of torture.

He also wrote, ‘I am waiting, if he ever comes to apologize. Although I have considerable doubts, whether there has been any change in his perverse nature! I am still upset with his gesture.’

Credit jagonews24

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