Money can be laundered if Chhatra League-Jub League: Rizvi

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BNP’s Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi has commented that thousands of crores of rupees can be laundered if Chhatra League-Jubi League.

He said that Sheikh Hasina has created such an environment in Bangladesh that those who did not have food at home have become people of crores of rupees. We have heard before that if the landlords do politics, their zamindari becomes fatur and now thousands of crores of taka can be laundered by Chhatra League, thousands of crores of taka can be laundered by Jubo League.

On the occasion of Buddha Purnima in front of the BNP central office in Nayapaltan of the capital on Wednesday (May 22), Vishwamaitri was organized by the Nationalist Buddhist Forum.

This BNP leader said, this government is in power by force. It has taken away people’s votes, stopped people from walking, stopped people’s right to assemble, stopped people’s freedom of voice. The words of the Buddha inspire us against this environment, with the gallows attached to that voice. By remembering his self-sacrifice to the truth even though he suffered himself, we must all be confident in the fall of this dictatorship in the coming days, everyone must be committed.

He said, if you take the words and teachings of Gautama Buddha, he said to be Atmadeep, that is, walk in the light of your own heart. This government tells us how to proceed. We have to get permission from the police to hold a rally, democratic people are fighting for democracy, we follow Gautama Buddha’s words of self-enlightenment, we want to move and if anyone obstructs that path, it is right to resist it.

He also said, a unique teacher in this world, he was a prince – his name was Siddhartha. When he had no lack of luxuries in his youth, as a man does in the pursuit of youth, the man who gave up all the comforts of the royal family and conquered himself through hard work and attained enlightenment and became the teacher of the whole world in pain at that time—to this day he Words and words are incorruptible, it has not faded away. Who was born two and a half thousand years ago, not far from our Bengal, in a state at the foot of the Himalayas. The message of non-violence that he preached for the harmony of man to man by sacrificing his own happiness, his own comfort, if the politicians of every state in today’s angry world would remember and practice it once, then there would not be so much violence and bloodshed all over the world. .

Also present at this time were the convenor of Dhaka Metropolitan South BNP Abdus Salam, adviser to the chairperson Bijan Kanti Sarkar, Dhaka Divisional Organizing Secretary of the party Ad. Abdus Salam Azad, Volunteer Affairs Secretary Mir Sarfat Ali Sapu, Co-Religion Affairs Secretary Amlendu Das Apu, John Gomez, Deepen Dewan, Members Habibur Rashid Habib, Aminul Islam, Juba Dal Literature and Publications Secretary Mehbub Masum Shanto and others.

Earlier, the peace procession started from in front of the BNP central office, turned around Nightingale and ended with a short rally in front of the BNP office.

Credit kalbela

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