Is Bangladesh can be self sufficient and full independent against Indian harm? How It possible?

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Bangladesh can work towards becoming more self-sufficient and resilient against potential harm from India by implementing strategic measures across various sectors. While complete independence from any influence is challenging due to geographic proximity and historical ties, Bangladesh can reduce its vulnerability and enhance its sovereignty through economic diversification, diplomatic efforts, and strategic alliances. Here’s how this can be achieved:


Economic Diversification and Self-Sufficiency

  • Diversification of Trade Partners: Bangladesh can reduce its economic dependence on India by diversifying its trade relationships. This means expanding exports to other regions, such as Southeast Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and sourcing imports from a wider range of countries.
    • Example: Bangladesh’s growing trade relationship with China is a significant step towards diversification. China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has seen increased investment in Bangladesh’s infrastructure, which can help reduce dependency on Indian routes and ports.
    • Reference: The Asian Development Bank’s reports on Bangladesh’s infrastructure development and trade diversification provide insights into the country’s efforts to broaden its economic partnerships.
  • Agricultural Self-Sufficiency: By investing in agriculture, Bangladesh can ensure food security and reduce reliance on imports from India. This includes adopting modern farming techniques, improving irrigation, and promoting high-yield crop varieties.
    • Example: Bangladesh’s progress in achieving near self-sufficiency in rice production is a model for other agricultural sectors. Despite natural challenges, the country has become largely self-reliant in its staple food.
    • Reference: Studies by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) on Bangladesh’s agricultural development offer detailed analyses of how the country can continue to improve its food security.
  • Energy Independence: Developing renewable energy resources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, can help Bangladesh reduce its dependence on Indian energy imports.
    • Example: The Solar Home System (SHS) program in Bangladesh, which provides solar power to millions of households, demonstrates the potential for renewable energy to reduce reliance on external sources.
    • Reference: The World Bank’s reports on Bangladesh’s renewable energy initiatives detail the progress and future potential of these projects.


Strengthening National Defense and Security

  • Military Modernization: Bangladesh can strengthen its military capabilities to ensure it can defend its sovereignty. This includes modernizing its armed forces, improving border security, and enhancing intelligence capabilities.
    • Example: Bangladesh has been investing in modern military equipment and training, with a focus on strengthening its naval and air forces to protect its maritime and airspace.
    • Reference: The Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS) provides analysis on the country’s defence strategy and military modernization efforts.
  • Cybersecurity and Counterintelligence: Protecting against cyber threats and espionage is crucial for maintaining sovereignty. Bangladesh can invest in cybersecurity infrastructure and develop counterintelligence capabilities to protect against external interference.
    • Reference: The Global Cybersecurity Index by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) offers insights into how countries like Bangladesh are improving their cybersecurity frameworks.


Strategic Diplomatic Alliances

  • Regional Cooperation: Strengthening ties with other South Asian countries through organizations like SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) and BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) can help Bangladesh create a balanced regional power dynamic.
    • Example: Bangladesh’s active participation in BIMSTEC, which includes countries like Thailand and Myanmar, offers opportunities to collaborate on trade, energy, and security without over-reliance on India.
    • Reference: BIMSTEC’s official publications and analysis provide details on regional projects and initiatives that Bangladesh can leverage.
  • Global Alliances: Developing strong diplomatic relationships with major global powers such as the United States, China, Russia, and the European Union can provide Bangladesh with political and economic support, reducing the risk of over-dependence on any single neighbour.
    • Example: Bangladesh’s growing relationship with China, particularly in infrastructure development, shows how strategic alliances can provide alternatives to Indian influence.
    • Reference: The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and other think tanks provide analysis on Bangladesh’s foreign policy and international alliances.


Economic and Infrastructural Resilience

  • Infrastructure Development: Building infrastructure that reduces dependency on Indian routes and ports is critical. Projects like the Payra Deep Sea Port, the Padma Bridge, and improved road and rail networks can enhance Bangladesh’s connectivity with global markets.
    • Example: The Padma Bridge, which connects the southwest region to the rest of Bangladesh, reduces dependency on Indian transit routes, enhancing internal connectivity.
    • Reference: The Bangladesh Ministry of Planning and its associated reports detail major infrastructure projects and their strategic importance.
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Encouraging investment from a diverse group of countries can bolster Bangladesh’s economy and reduce reliance on Indian capital.
    • Example: Bangladesh has attracted significant FDI from countries like Japan, South Korea, and China in sectors like telecommunications, manufacturing, and infrastructure.
    • Reference: The Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) offers reports on FDI trends and diversification efforts.


Cultural and Ideological Resilience

  • Promoting National Identity: Strengthening a distinct national identity and cultural heritage can foster internal unity and resilience against external influence.
    • Example: Bangladesh’s promotion of the Bengali language and cultural practices, particularly through celebrations like Ekushey February (International Mother Language Day), reinforces national unity.
    • Reference: UNESCO’s recognition of Bangladesh’s language movement highlights the importance of cultural identity in maintaining sovereignty.



While complete independence from Indian influence may be difficult due to geographic and economic realities, Bangladesh can achieve a significant degree of self-sufficiency and resilience. By diversifying its economy, strengthening national defence, forging strategic alliances, and building robust infrastructure, Bangladesh can protect its sovereignty and reduce vulnerability to potential harm from any single neighbouring country. Through these measures, Bangladesh can continue to grow as an independent and self-reliant nation.

Monirul Islam Shamim (advocate)


Bangladesh Policy Research Institute

London, 03.09.2024

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